Friday, 11 May 2012

Me and My Son

I have such a connection with my son, Inioluwa. When he was much younger, we (I and my husband) usually lay him to sleep on our bed in between us, so that whenever he cries(in the middle of the night), we would be able to attend to his needs as soon as possible.

I would just wake up suddenly in the middle of the night and look at him sleeping peaceful. After acsertaining that he is okay I'll settle my head on the pillow to sleep. As I close my eye, I would just hear him give a loud cry so I wouldnt have a choie but to sit up and breast feed him. It happened over and over again until I took note of it. I wondered how I knew that he was ready to eat because I wake up seconds before he cries. I used to think it was my movement that woke him up most times, so I try to stay put as soon as I wake up but it still happened continuosly When I told my husband, he said It was the Holy Spirit who was waking me up.

As he grew older (he is not yet 2yrs), he always love to be everywhere at the same time and he always loved to touch everything he sees (Boys can be a handful). Sometimes I get tired of running after him and stay in the room while he is in the sitting room or any of the other rooms. Whenever I feel a stirring to check on him and I do, I either find him a dangerous positon, either holding a knife or playing with electrical appliances or see something about to drop on his head. I often get there in time to save him from harm.

Lately I was thinking of this when I got this inspiration. Isaiah 65:24 says
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. I realised that as I often (it doesnt happen all the time) wake up before my son cries, God has already heard us even before we call (everytime joor). He knows what we feel even before we do. Amazingly, you can hold God to his words. Isaiah 49:15 says "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget,I will not forget you!". The good news is that God is more comitted to us than a mother is to her sucking child. He said he can never forget us. Gbam.

What a mighty and great God we serve, Alleluyah.

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