I wanted to write something strictly about relationships and I was still thinking of the Title of the book which, most times is my source of inspiration in any of my writings.I thought about all i went through as a single lady and some other stories I have heard. My heart cry then was Help! I need a man.
I knew people had their different views about relationships, love , romance, bla, bla,bla but I really wanted to right their wrongs and settle on what the Book (bible) says about it.Thanks to so many mentors, teachers, role models and pastors who invested the truth in me while I was growing up. Even if I went the wrong way,I sure knew I was wrong.
I was set free by the truth a long time ago and I wanted to set another person free from the shackles of lies, helplessness and desperation that has become a norm for single ladies. Hence the birth of this book HELP! I NEED A MAN. That seem to be the cry of the helpless househelp who wants freedom from slavery through marriage to the next door mechanic, the cry of the Graduating student from university who knew her future will be greatly influenced by that man. The cry of the Chief executive who earns 4.5MM per annum but still is lonely. I know this because I have experienced it.
I thought it was just a normal everyday book from my stable until I got Testimonies from all who read it. They are full of praises for this tiny work and I can't just help but give God praise for birthing this book through me. It's my first published work.Its fine, Its short,and its blessed
Haven't got a copy. Don't be told. Grab your copy now. Call 08037130006 and you will be directed to how you can get it.It can also be sent directly to you. I will love to hear your encouragements, wows, and of course your criticisms. It will make me better.
My cry changed from Help! i need a man to Thank you God for my man. So will yours, i mean it, so will yours in Jesus name, Amen.
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